Photographed in a Vegetable Farm ( do read my blog  A GREEN DESERT) in the village of Ranesar near the home of Demoiselle Cranes, Kichan ( do read my blogs A FEAST and the WINTER GUESTS)  in the deserts of Rajasthan.

The picture below is a heap of harvested cotton bushes in which lurks the  mysterious Dinosaur of the desert.

hidden in cotton
Perfectly Camouflaged in a Cotton Bush

A closer look  within the dried bushes shows up a Reptile resembling the Dinosaurs of the Jurassic Age.

Do observe the Gland below the eyes and the extremely long and curved claws used for climbing and gripping.

closer look
Sun Bathing

A top view shows up  the spectacled back and a distinctive dual colour, the head and upper limbs are clearly lighter and grey.

top view
Top View

The lovely colouration  and outstanding camouflage  make me struggle to discern the never ending tail of this modern day Dinosaur.

Can you spot where the tail ends?

the tale
Never Ending Tail ( tale) 

I am sure it is not the Spiny Tailed  Lizard  ( Sanda in Hindi) of the Deserts , the oil of which is sold as an aphrodisiac by road side quacks.

It does not resemble the Chameleon or the Oriental Garden Lizard either.

The blog is dynamic till we figure out the Scientific name  and therein lies the story of THE NEVER ENDING TALE.